esc from tutorial hell

The Sha(w)shank Redemption, for programmers

01 Apr 2021

DLog 1: Setting up this blog

Today I finally got over my procrastination (read: fear) of web development and deployed this website on netlify. There was not too much ‘tech’ that I needed to get it working. Although I have never worked with the Hugo platform, I found it quite similar to Jekyll. An hour or so of simply editing the config file, doing a dozen of Google searches. and hacking around with the folder setups and viola, I had deploy-off. On a side note: I was reminded of the idea behind simplicity is elegance. Static website generators like Jekyll and Hugo really make life easy for someone even mildly familiar with programming to get a website up and running.


What’s Next

I would like to learn more about Continuous Integration/Deployment next so as to learn how to do it myself.

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